I came a few years after the birth of Camp Pigout. The name landed because the originals liked to cook: Chip & Lynn Meschew, Wesley Robertson, Mark Staneart, Denny Axell and I'm not sure who else was there in the beginning. I started going in Spring 1992. I also like to cook. We had a reputation in that department. We shared the cooking duties, creating spectacular feasts. As our camp grew, not everyone liked to cook, but everyone would find a niche...whether it be the iceman, the dishwasher, the giant tarp raiser, the space saver.
Also home of The Junkyard Gypsies and many fine all-night jams! We had some times!! Will never be like it was at Mather! Kim Rogers

Spring 2025

Strawberry Music Festival
May 21st – 26th

Nevada County Fairgrounds
Grass Valley, CA

Fall 2025

Strawberry Music Festival
October 16th – 20th

Nevada County Fairgrounds,
Grass Valley, CA