Countless converging communities are now reeling from the sad news of Kreg Nelson’s sudden passing, this past weekend. Many of us know Kreg from his time as head of the Backstage Security crew at Strawberry, and the hundreds of guests that he checked in, over many years’ time, will always remember being greeted by Kreg’s incredible warmth, larger than life smile, and good humor.

That spirit of genuine kindness and inclusivity made him easy to love, wherever he went, even when he was being brutally honest or telling a really bad joke. Any of us would gladly welcome the worst that he could give. Kreg sported a style of being in the world that was both polished and raw at the same time. He carried himself with grace and charm, in a way that no one else dare attempt to imitate. He was totally one of a kind, and yet, we could all use a lot more Kreg Nelson in the world.

When a giant heart falls, the shock wave of grief is not only heard, but felt deeply, and shared among many. The Strawberry community offers its deepest condolences to Kreg’s family and enormous extended family of friends. R.I.P. dear friend, you are missed.

Spring 2025

Strawberry Music Festival
May 22nd - 26th

Nevada County Fairgrounds
Grass Valley, CA


Strawberry Music Festival
