The last day to order tickets and have them mailed is Wednesday, August 24th. You will be able to order tickets, at advanced prices, up until 5:00 pm on Wedesday, August 31st. Our office will be open to take your calls until noon on Tuesday, August 30th. We’ll be receiving and returning calls until 5:00 pm on Tuesday the 30th, at which time we will begin our festival schedule and our answering service will be sending us our messages hourly. Remember, you must have your 4 Day camping ticket in hand to participate in the Thursday morning pre-banding.
You’ll find more on pre-banding when you read our Fall 2016 Entrance Plan at…/…/2016/08/F16-Entrance-Plan.pdf. See advanced vs. gate ticket prices and more at However you decide to go, we hope to see you there, in 9 days!