Return Strawberry to Camp Mather Update

We know that you all are anxious to hear what’s been happening with the Return Strawberry to Camp Mather effort.  Since we last updated you, representatives from both Strawberry Music Festival and Rock In Road had the opportunity to meet with San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (SFR&PD) staff.  Although they were very receptive to our inquiry, we have recently been informed that conditions at Camp Mather prohibit the current consideration of our return.

The critical issue facing camp right now is the devastating Bark Beetle infestation that has caused catastrophic tree mortality in the Sierra Nevada.  Over 1500 dead trees have already been identified for removal at Camp Mather and the rapid kill rate shows no sign of slowing.   The severe impact to the forest in and around camp is widespread, and Recreation and Parks Department officials anticipate that the eventual solution will require a multi-year effort.  Therefore, due to concerns for safety, expansion of camp use cannot be considered at this time.

We have seen the extent of the defoliation firsthand and we share their concerns.  This is very sad news on many levels, yet we remain optimistic about the future.  We feel good about the dialogue that has been established with the SFR&PD and believe that there is still a possibility for Strawberry’s return.  In the meantime, we intend to keep the channels of communication open and share updates.  We feel that we have been called down from the mountain to share the gift of Strawberry.  Preserving this special musical community and its folk traditions for future possibilities remains our highest priority.  Your continued support is deeply appreciated.

Spring 2025

Strawberry Music Festival
May 21st – 26th

Nevada County Fairgrounds
Grass Valley, CA

Fall 2025

Strawberry Music Festival
October 16th – 20th

Nevada County Fairgrounds,
Grass Valley, CA