Strawberry’s Shuttle Crew not only helps people get around, they also assist in lots of other ways. This year, Shuttle crew members recorded each ride and assist given from approximately 9:30 am on Thursday, May 23rd until 7:30 pm on Sunday, May 26th… and that total number of Helping Hands interactions has been tabulated! The person who guesses the number most closely will win a surprise gift from the Shuttle Crew leader, Tony Cokely.
Fill out the Shuttle Crew Contest Form on Strawberry’s website to submit your answer by 11:59 pm PST on Thursday, June 13, 2024. If multiple people guess the number correctly, there will be multiple winners. If no one comes up with the exact number, the person who guesses most closely to the number will be selected. To qualify for the prize, you must fill out every field of the contest form and include your most current contact information. Winner(s) will be announced on Friday, June 14th.
Helping Hands are rides, directions, and other non-ride assistance interactions. Non-ride assistance is calling for camping assistance, security, and other crews; assisting lost attendees; giving directions to the gates, stages, bathrooms, water stations, ice vendor and other areas; sharing map information and performer schedules; and helping ADA patrons.
Two 6-passenger golf carts were used each festival day, from Thursday, May 23 to Sunday, May 27. Drivers 1 and 2 ran a shift from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm and Drivers 3 and 4 ran the following shift from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Each shuttle ran for 40 hours, for a total of 80 regular hours during this past festival. In addition, Shuttle crew leaders also provided 16 total “before and after” hours of transportation for mobility impaired guests Thursday through Sunday.
We expect the grand total number will not be easy to guess, so thank you for participating, and good luck!